Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I have finally finished the O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson. I have one left called Jennifer. Dee Henderson wrote it quite a while after the series was finished. I'm pretty sure it will be good and sad.

Reading these books was great. I enjoyed the message and hope of Jesus that was displayed throughout each book. I loved that they weren't cheesy. It might sound weird but I did enjoy the darker side of these books. I love a good mystery.

I took my time with reading these. I'm usually a speed reader. I had to take a break after book five. It was really sad throughout. I enjoyed it, but needed a break afterwards.

This is me exactly...

I am sure most everybody has read this series already...I was very late into learning about them. But if you haven't, go for it. They are worth your time.

I am still dealing with some intense morning (all day long) sickness. Trying to remember that there is a little human growing in me and that it will be okay. You can pray for me. :) I want to enjoy each moment with the baby (Benjamin) growing outside of me as well. He is so fun.

Hopefully before the new baby comes I'll get to experiment in the kitchen again... :)