Monday, September 30, 2013

It's been awhile...

Many of you who read this are my friends on Facebook. So you found out yesterday that I'm pregnant. We are so excited and feel extremely blessed.

At the same time this pregnancy has come with the dreaded morning sickness. Apparently I was spoiled with my last pregnancy.  As you can imagine, the thought of experimenting with food has not gone over well. My poor husband as eaten a lot of Bagel Bites sad. Haha. :)

To avoid the subject of food, I will tell you about what we started watching on Netflix. We just discovered Fringe.

I will admit my childhood crush on Joshua Jackson as "Charlie" from Mighty Ducks. I thought he was soooo cute...hehe. I always thought the Mighty Duck series were the best movies.  In my opinion he isn't the most amazing actor ever, but I like him in Fringe. The relationship between his character and his father is very funny and endearing.

The father, Walter Bishop is played by John Noble. He is an incredible actor. The main female character is Olivia Dunham, played by Anna Torv. I had never seen her in anything before. She's good.

The show can be so intense and grotesque, but so good at the same time.  Netflix has all the seasons on their website. Check it out.

Hopefully someday I'll be able to handle food again. Thanks for reading. :)

1 comment:

  1. We love fringe, we got addicted a couple years back and spent a good long weekend dong nothing by laying in bed and watching fringe. :)
