Saturday, August 17, 2013


It  has been too long since I blogged and I have a ton of things to blog about. However, tonight I felt like writing about something a friend posted on Pinterest. 

I know I am addicted to sugar...and it stinks. My friend posted about five tips that will help you stop craving sugar. Amen. 

It makes complete since. I really want to try it. Not just try but be able to stop being addicted.  I know it is possible. It makes me sad that a lot of people struggle with this. 

At the same time I think it is okay to indulge sometimes! I love experimenting in the kitchen...and baked goods are so yum. 

I am so proud of those who get over this sugar craving and I hope to do the same. I want to slam it in the ground! BOO YAH! :) 

Writing this on here means I gotta do it...haha. :) 

Here is what I found on Pinterest. Enjoy! 

"The number one reason that people crave sweets is that their insulin is high, and when it starts to fall we want the sugar to spike it  back up again. It’s a vicious cycle, that leads to feeling tired, and fatigued. Here are some really good tips that will get you back on track to being healthy and feeling energetic again.
1. Increase your protein intake. Often times our body feels like it wants sugar when it’s really craving protein. Try starting with an egg, or something that is high in protein.
2. Remove the temptations. If you don’t have them around the house it’s harder to indulge. If it’s at work that you’re having a hard time. Do what you can to remove the temptation BEFORE the craving hits. If you keep a jar of jelly beans on your desk. Get rid of them, but bring something healthy to eat when you are ready for a snack.
3. Eat frequently. Cravings are the worst when we've either skipped a meal, or we've had a drop in our blood sugar. By eating every few hours we avoid that drop in blood sugar. Eating 3 good meals a day with a snack in between will keep you feeling good without getting so hungry that you grab whatever you can find to get your blood sugar up.
4. Avoid artificial sweeteners.  Artificial sweeteners, like Saccharin or Aspartame, make us have more cravings for sweets, and may present a higher risk of cancer.
5. Either Cut sweets cold turkey then indulge in small amounts. Because our insulin is so used to being high, the first 3 days are the hardest. If you can eliminate sweets completely until your body has had a chance to let your insulin come down, you won’t crave them like you did. Then you’ll be able to be satisfied with small amounts."

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