Saturday, June 22, 2013

Grilled Chicken Burgers with Garlic Herb Mayo

Tonight for dinner I experimented with making my own garlic and herb mayo. turned out so yummy. The recipe was adapted from Giada De Lurentiis' Chicken Burgers with Garlic Rosemary Mayo.

I did not have any rosemary or hamburger buns. So dinner turned more into a chicken burger with delicious garlic and herb mayo, served on toasted whole wheat bread.

So first thing I did was chopped up a bunch of different herbs from my herb garden!

I didn't measure just grabbed a bit from each. Start with a little and then add to your liking. I used thyme, chives, basil, and oregano. After you chop that up and put into a small mixing bowl, chop up one clove of garlic. Mix all of that together with 1 cup of good mayo.

Next start prepping the chicken. I had a pound of ground chicken. One problem I had was that I forgot to take it out of the freezer. So I tried to defrost it in the microwave. This led to a harder and not as moist burger. So when you make this make sure the meat is completely defrosted and easy to mold.

Add a little salt and pepper to the chicken. Then add half of the garlic herb mayo the chicken. This is the key to the moist burger. I learned this from Giada De Lurentiis. Makes it soooo yummy.  This picture does not show the yumminess...ha.

Have a grill nice and really hot. This part is a bit annoying because you have to form the patties literally right before you put them on the grill. So have everything ready before you put the meat on grill, or you'll have raw chicken all over your hands. We have have a tiny George Foreman grill and no where to put anything...hence the chair. :)

Put patties on the grill. Cook on each side for 7 minutes.

While the patties are cooking, take you buns or bread and lightly spread a bit of the mayo on it. If you have room on the grill, toast your bread till brown. Spreading the mayo on the bread before toasting it adds to the delish factor. :)

Once patties and bread are done begin building the burger.
I used what I had and that was organic baby spinach.

Then you have a yummy burger, or in our case, a yummy sandwich.

Hope you try this!!!
Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! that mayo looks delish, we now have fresh herbs so I think I will have to try this
